The Virgin of the Navigators

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La Virgen de los Mareantes

The Virgin of the Navigators ( Spanish La Virgen de los Mareantes ) is an oil painting by the Spanish painter Alejo Fernández , created as a central part of a winged altar for the chapel in the Casa de Contratación in Seville. It is the oldest known painted representation of the discovery of America and was probably made in 1510. Other sources speak from 1530 to 1535.

The full altar

The picture shows the Mother of God as protector of sailors, ports and ships. Groups of people are shown on the left and right, including Ferdinand II , Charles V (in red), Amerigo Vespucci and Isabella I and Christopher Columbus . All persons stand on clouds at the feet of the Virgin Mary. The picture also shows indigenous peoples of America who were brought to Spain by the seafarers. The picture is currently in the Alcázar of Seville .

Fernández lived from 1475–1545 in Cordoba , the city to which Columbus returned after his first trip, and he was probably also present at the celebrations for the returnees. He therefore surely drew Columbus as he saw him and as he remembered him. The painting is therefore also an important source for the appearance of Christopher Columbus.