The Kiserliche Throw

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The Kiserliche Warf is a frequently recited tale of Low German folk humor . It exists in different versions. The best known come from Fritz Wischer and Joseph Plaut .

The anecdotal content tells of the instruction hour of a sailmaker's mate at the Kaiserliche Werft Kiel in the presence of the commanding admiral . The admiral wants to examine his subordinate and has him instruct on several subjects. The mate always manages to draw a link with his specialty, which is actually the only instruction he has mastered.

There is also a drawing by Else Dircks for the anecdote that was published in 1918 for the Fritz Wischer collection Lach man mal! was created and was subsequently used in various contexts. At Wischer, the instructor is called “Hein Lammers”. The hero in Karl Bunje 's successful piece Der Etappenhase , written much later, identifies himself as the same character.

The story was recorded on commercial phonograms by a number of speakers including Edgar Bessen , Joseph Plaut, and Walter Volbehr . The anecdote is also used as a fixed text.

Single receipts

  1. Have a laugh: There are a few funny stories. - Garding: Lühr & Dircks, 1918