The night of Jesi

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The Night of Jesi is a novel by the German author Peter Berling that was published in 1994 by the Bastei Lübbe publishing house .


The market square of Jesi (Piazza Federico II)

On the occasion of the approaching anniversary of the birth of Emperor Frederick II (December 26th), the producer Manuel J. Berghstroem is engaged in the production of the historical musical ("Historical") STUPOR MUNDI in wintry Jesi , which is about the historical event and on the Piazza of the city is to be premiered. Important elements of the plot are the legends about the birth of the emperor that have been rumored since the Middle Ages, such as that of the public confinement of Empress Konstanze on the town's market square, or of a butcher's son who is her own, and who she is Child have spent. Accompanied by adverse circumstances, the timely realization of the performance is in danger.


Author Peter Berling himself worked for many years as a producer in the film industry, including for Rainer Werner Fassbinder .

The rumors recited to this day about the birth of Emperor Frederick II emerged against the background of his power struggle with the Catholic Church under Popes Gregory IX. and Innocent IV in the first half of the 13th century. The claim that he is actually the biological son of a butcher (filius cuiusdam beccarii) comes from the chronicle of the Salimbene of Parma , who was critical of the emperor , who also gave the imperial father-in-law Johann von Brienne the saying Fi de becer diabele! put in the mouth. The story of the public confinement of the Empress on the market square in Jesi only emerged in the historiography of later generations. Contemporary reports, on the other hand, describe the birth on St. Stephen's Day in 1194 in an unspectacular way and without any noteworthy details.




  1. See Salimbene von Parma, MGH SS 32, p. 42f.