The tax advisor week

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The Steuerberater Woche ( StBW ) was one of the publishing houses Dr. Otto Schmidt KG, a German tax law journal that was designed as an information service for tax advisory practice. It was aimed at tax consultants , lawyers and lawyers specializing in tax law . The Steuerberater Woche was published fortnightly in 2003–2015.


The Steuerberater Woche reported on the latest developments in tax law and business law relevant to the profession . As a consultant magazine, the Steuerberater Woche provided an overview of current legislative projects , case law and administrative instructions. Decisions that were particularly relevant for the advisory practice were commented on by a permanent team of authors made up of tax consultants , lawyers , judges and members of the financial administration . The main features of the decisions were reproduced and enriched with concise descriptions of the consequences for practice and with further advice. The full texts of the decisions discussed were made available in the tax advisor center database belonging to the journal (now: Otto Schmidt online).

The contributions of the tax consultant week dealt primarily with advice-oriented problems of tax advisory practice. The focus was on legislative projects, changes in case law and administrative instructions relevant to advisory practice.

editorial staff

The editorial team consisted of Ass. Jur. Sixten Abeling (responsible editor) and Renate Glöckner (editorial assistant).

How to quote

Reference is made to individual articles by stating the author or court (with date and file number ), the abbreviation "StBW", the year and the page. Examples: Gehm, StBW 2013, 948; BFH v. March 21, 2013 - VI R 31/10, StBW 2013, 685.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Otto Schmidt online