The elementary school (magazine, Hanover)

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The elementary school was a magazine published in Hanover in the 19th century and, according to its subtitle, a monthly newspaper for elementary schools , especially for the Kingdom of Hanover, which appeared every four weeks . The periodical appeared from the revolutionary year 1848 and up to issue 8 in 1855.

One of the editors of the Association of Elementary School Teachers and at the same time co-editor was the representative of the labor movement , teacher, private school director and local politician Friedrich Behre ,

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Individual evidence

  1. Compare the information in the journal database (ZDB)
  2. Anke Bethmann, Gerhard Dongowski: The stony path to freedom. Revolutionary popular movements 1848/49 in the Kingdom of Hanover (= Hannoversche Schriften zur Regional- und Lokalgeschichte , Vol. 15), Bielefeld: Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 2000, ISBN 978-3-89534-310-0 and ISBN 3-89534-310-2 , Pp. 147, 180; Preview over google books
  3. ^ Klaus Mlynek : Behre, Friedrich. In: Dirk Böttcher , Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein, Hugo Thielen : Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2002, ISBN 3-87706-706-9 , p. 45; Preview over google books