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The breed was a GDR punk band . It was founded in February 1984 in Leipzig . It was the predecessor of Die Art .


Breeding emerged from the band TASS, founded in 1982 by Jan Hohmann, Thomas Stephan and André Friedrich.

The first line-up were: Thomas Stephan (drums), André Friedrich (guitar), Tilo Hartig (guitar), Makarios (vocals) and Jan Hohmann (bass). Harald Martin (keyboards), Christoph Heinemann (bass) and Konrad Katschinka (saxophone) were later in the band. Oley, Heinemann, Friedrich and Stephan later formed the original line-up of Die Art.

Shortly after its founding, the band had to be renamed because there were problems with the state power and a classification that was common at the time would have been impossible. In order to be able to play live and officially in the GDR, you had to be classified as a musician. To do this, the band had to appear in front of a classification committee that criticized the band's name as "anti-socialist". If the name is renamed, however , the permission to play is not a problem. The new band name was a spontaneous idea of ​​the drummer.

The band played typical 1980s wavepunk . False colors , Joy Division or old The Cure are mentioned as stylistically comparable examples . The songs all had German lyrics that also dealt critically with the situation of young people in the GDR . At that time the later Die-Art classic "Endlos" was created. The song "Himmel aus Velvet" was played again on the 2005 Die-Art Club Version Tour. At the end of the same year a bootleg LP was released with the last Die Zucht concert.

In September 2019, Die Zucht met again for a concert for the first time, and a corresponding sound carrier was also announced.

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