The twelve sexual commandments of the revolutionary proletariat

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Twelve sexual commandments of the revolutionary proletariat ( Russian Двенадцать половых заповедей революционного пролетариата , transkr. Dwenadzat polowych sapowedej rewoluzionnogo proletariata ) is a book of Soviet psychiatrist Aron Salkind , published 1924th It called for pre-marriage sexual abstinence, condemned polygamy, and sexual excess. Salkind concluded from widespread energy teachings that the sexual energy saved through renunciation and sexual discipline is tremendously large and can be sublimated into revolutionary struggle and construction .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jelena Korenewskaja. Soviet cinema: anything but sex?  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. // Russia Beyond the Headlines July 8, 2014@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  2. Georg Hoppe , Felix Morawetz: Beautiful New Man - Anthropological Utopias in the early Soviet Union and National Socialism in comparison. In: Gisela Boeck, Hans-Uwe Lammel (ed.): The University of Rostock in the years 1933–1945. Lectures of the interdisciplinary lecture series of the working group “Rostock University and Science History” in the summer semester 2011 Rostock  : University of Rostock 2012 ISBN 978-3-86009-132-6 ISBN 3732292398 ISBN 9783732292394 p. 191.