Diego H. Feinstein

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Diego H. Feinstein (born March 19, 1943 in Buenos Aires ) is an Argentine composer , pianist and art historian .


Feinstein studied school music with the main subject piano in the soloist class of E. Bures and composition in the master class of Roberto García Morillo at the Conservatorio Nacional de Música "Carlos López Buchardo" in Buenos Aires, as well as vocal and orchestral conducting at the "Instituto Superior de Arte del Teatro Colón "and art history with a degree from the Philosophical Faculty of the" Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires ". 1969–1970 Diego Feinstein received a CLAEM (Centro Latinoamericano de Altos Estudios Musicales) scholarship in the master class for composition with Alberto Ginastera .

In 1971 Feinstein came to Germany with a DAAD scholarship. a. Student of Wolfgang Fortner and received his doctorate from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau. phil. with the topic "The concept of harmony in art literature and music theory of the Italian Renaissance ".

From 1978 to 2008, Diego Feinstein was head of the composers class and the studio for new music at the Kassel Music Academy . He was a co-founder of the "Kassel Composers Initiative" and co-initiator of the national project North Hesse-Czech Republic "Stasis et vita".

honors and awards


Individual evidence

  1. Kassel cultural topography