Dieter Kremer

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Dieter Kremer (born November 26, 1942 in Waldbröl ) is a German Romance studies and linguist.

life and work

Kremer received his doctorate in 1967 at the University of Cologne with the award-winning dissertation The Germanic Personal Names in Catalonia. Collection of names and etymology (Barcelona 1967–1972). From 1976 to 2008 he was Professor of Romance Linguistics at the University of Trier . The focus of his research is (in continuation of the work of his teacher Joseph M. Piel ) the name research of the Romance languages, for which he initiated an all-Romance research project ( PatRom ) in 1987 , the results of which began to appear in 2004 (4 volumes are available to date).

Kremer is the editor of numerous congress files and anthologies, above all the 18th International Congress of Romance languages ​​in Trier in 1986 in 7 volumes. He is a corresponding member of the Academia portuguesa da história (Portuguese Academy of History, since 1992) and the Real Academia Gallega (since 2002), as well as an honorary member of scientific societies in Italy and Romania, as well as multiple awardees (including a French science award).

Works (selection)

  • (with Joseph M. Piel) Hispano-Gothic name book. The appearance of the Visigoth in the old and present names of persons and places on the Iberian Peninsula. Heidelberg 1976.
  • (with Naidea Nunes Nunes) Antroponímia primitiva da Madeira e Repertório histórico da Madeira. Séculos XV e XVI . Tübingen 1999.
  • Words and names. Mixed contributions to historical Romance, especially Portuguese, lexicography and cultural history . 2 vols., Berlin / Boston 2018 (announced).
  • (with others) Dictionnaire historique de l'anthroponymie romane (PatRom) . Niemeyer, Tübingen, then De Gruyter, Berlin / New York / Boston 2004 ff. (Not completed)
    • I / 1: Introductions. Cahier des normes rédactionnelles. Morphology. Bibliography. 2007
    • I / 2: Bibliography des sources historiques. 2010
    • II / 1: L'homme et les parties du corps humain (première série). 2004
    • III / 1: Les animaux. Première partie. Les mammifères. 2015

Editorial activities (selection)

  • (Editor-in-Chief) Actes du XVIIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes. Université de Trèves (Trier) 1986 . 7 vols., Niemeyer, Tübingen 1988–1992.
    • (1) Section I: Romania submersa, Section II: Romania nova. 1992
    • (2) Section III: Linguistique théorique et linguistique synchronique. 1991
    • (3) Section V: Grammaire diachronique et histoire de la langue, Section VIII: Dialectologie et géographie linguistique, Section XIII: Textes non-littéraires. 1991
    • (4) Section VI: Lexicologie et lexicographie, Section VII: Onomastique. 1989
    • (5) Section IV: Linguistique pragmatique et linguistique sociolinguistique. 1988
    • (6) Section VI: Critique textuelle et édition de textes, Section X: Genres littéraires, Section XI: Littératuires médiévales, Section XII: Nouvelles tendances de l'analyse littéraire et stylistique. 1988
    • (7) Section XIV: Histoire de la linguistique et de la philologie romanes, Section XV: Philologie romane et langues romanes: prize de science ou: la philologie pour quoi faire ?, Section XVI: Travaux en cours. 1989
  • Dictionnaire historique de l'anthroponymie romane (PatRom). Presentation d'un projet. Niemeyer, Tübingen 1997.


  • Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (Ed.): Novi te ex nomine. Estudios filolóxicos ofrecidos ao Prof. Dr. Dieter Kremer . La Coruña 2004.

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