Dietrich Riebensahm

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Dietrich Riebensahm (completely Heinz Dietrich Gottehr Riebensahm ; born August 5, 1931 in Schaaken ( East Prussia ); † October 7, 2013 in Kassel ) was a German politician of the FDP .

Riebensahm studied mine separation at the Montanistische Hochschule Leoben in Austria, where he graduated as a qualified engineer. During his student days he became a member of the hitting fraternity Corps Schacht . After completing his studies, Riebensahm completed practical training in various mining operations and in 1959 was awarded the license as a mine separator by the Dortmund Oberbergamt.

He joined the FDP in 1972. On December 13, 1982, he replaced the resigned MP Andreas von Schoeler in the German Bundestag and remained there until the end of the 1983 electoral term.


  • Gerhard Friedrich Hiebsch: History of the Corps Schacht zu Leoben 1861-2011. Editor, publisher and owner: Corps Schacht, Leoben 2011.