Diffuse ray tracing

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Image rendered with diffuse ray tracing. The algorithm creates soft shadows, but cannot calculate the exchange of light between diffuse surfaces. This makes the picture look too dark.

Diffuse ray tracing, also known as stochastic ray tracing or distributed ray tracing , is an algorithm for image synthesis published in 1984 .

Diffuse ray tracing is an extension of normal ray tracing , in which, in certain situations, not just one ray, but several randomly generated rays are used to determine a value. This Monte Carlo simulation can be used to simulate certain “soft” or “blurry” phenomena.

In detail, the following effects can be achieved through diffuse ray tracing:

The nature of the method requires a more or less high number of beams in order to generate low-noise images.

Diffuse ray tracing makes it possible to increase the quality of the image and to take certain effects into account, but diffuse ray tracing does not in itself allow the calculation of global lighting , since secondary rays are only emitted for reflective or shiny surfaces, but not for diffuse surfaces. For this purpose, methods such as path tracing , photon mapping or extended forms of radiosity were developed.


  • Robert Cook, Thomas Porter, Loren Carpenter: Distributed ray tracing. In: Hank Christiansen (Ed.): SIGGRAPH '84. 11th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques, Minneapolis, July 1984, proceedings (= Computer Graphics. Vol. 18, No. 3). ACM, New York NY 1984, ISBN 0-89791-138-5 , pp. 137-145, doi: 10.1145 / 800031.808590 .