Dimitri Nanopoulos

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Dimitri V. Nanopoulos (2010)

Dimitri Nanopoulos ( Greek Δημήτρης Νανόπουλος ; born September 13, 1948 in Athens , also Dimitris ) is a Greek theoretical physicist who deals with elementary particle physics.


Nanopoulos studied physics in Athens, where he graduated in 1971, and then at the University of Sussex in England, where he received his doctorate in high energy physics in 1973 . From 1975 to 1976 he was a Curie Fellow at the École normal supérieure in Paris and from 1977 to 1979 a Research Fellow at Harvard . From 1979 to 1986 he was at CERN , from 1986 to 1988 professor of physics at the University of Wisconsin and from 1989 professor at Texas A&M University , where he has held the Mitchell / Heap Chair in High Energy Physics since 2002 and the Astroparticle Physics Group at HARC (Houston Advanced Research Center). At the same time he is head of the theoretical physics department of the Academy in Athens.

Nanopoulos worked in numerous areas of elementary particle physics, quantum field theory and astro-particle physics. In the 1970s he worked with Mary Gaillard and John Ellis on the Higgs boson and GUTs . He is even said to be the namesake of GUT with Ellis. With Ellis, Olive, Srednicki and Hagelin, he gave mass estimates for supersymmetric dark matter candidates in 1984. He dealt with the application of supergravity and string theory . With others he was one of the creators (alongside Stephen Barr ) of the flipped SU (5) GUT, of which he also developed supersymmetric versions and linked it with John Ellis and John Hagelin with the (heterotic) superstring theory. Author of flipped SU (5)

He also developed a theory with John Ellis and Nikolaos Mavromatos, in which the speed of light is not constant but frequency-dependent, for which he also specified astrophysical tests. They derived this theory from a quantum gravity model. In 1995 he also thought about possible connections between brain function (consciousness) and fundamental quantum mechanical processes; Roger Penrose also pursued similar theories .

In 2006 he received the Onassis Prize. He has been a Fellow of the American Physical Society since 1988, a member of the Athens Academy of Sciences since 1997 and of the Italian Physical Society since 1992. Since 2005 he has been President of the Greek National Research Council and Greek representative at CERN and ESA .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nanopoulos, Dimitri V. Author profile . INSPIRE-HEP . Retrieved July 19, 2019.
  2. ^ Ellis, Gaillard, Nanopoulos: A phenomenological profile of the Higgs boson . In: Nuclear Physics B . tape 106 , 1976, pp. 292 .
  3. Buras, Ellis, Gaillard, Nanopoulos: Aspects of GUT of strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions . In: Nuclear Physics B . tape 135 , 1978, pp. 66 .
  4. ^ Ellis, Nanopoulos, Kelley: Probing the desert using gauge coupling unification . In: Physics Letters B . tape 260 , 1991, pp. 131 .
  5. ^ Ellis, Nanopoulos, Hagelin, Olive, Srednicki: Supersymmetric Relics from the Big Bang . In: Nuclear Physics B . tape 238 , 1984, pp. 238 .
  6. Lahanas, Nanopoulos: The road to no scale supergravity . In: Physics Reports B . tape 145 , 1987, pp. 1 .
  7. ^ JP Derendinger, JE Kim, DV Nanopoulos: Anti-SU (5) . In: Phys.Lett. B , Volume 139, 1984, pp. 170-176
  8. ^ I. Antoniadis, J. Ellis, John Hagelin, DV Nanopoulos: Supersymmetric flipped SU (5) revitalized . In: Physics Letters B , Volume 194, 1987, p. 231
  9. ^ I. Antoniadis, J. Ellis, JS Hagelin, DV Nanopoulos: The Flipped SU (5) XU (1) String Model Revamped . In: Physics Letters B . tape 231 , 1989, pp. 65-74 .
  10. Nanopoulos, Ellis et al. a .: Astrophysical Probes of the constancy of the velocity of light . 1999, arxiv : astro-ph / 9907340 .
  11. Nanopoulos: Theory of brain function, quantum mechanics and superstrings . 1995, arxiv : hep-ph / 9505374 .