Dimitrija Demeter

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Dimitrija Demeter

Dimitrija Demeter (born July 21, 1811 in Zagreb ; † June 24, 1872 there ) was a poet and writer .

Demeter came from a Greek family and studied medicine in Vienna and Padua . But he gave up this job, entered the civil service and became editor of the Gazette Narodne Novine . He later edited the Danica magazine . Demeter achieved his main reputation through his plays Ljubav i duznost ( Love and Duty ) and Krvna osveta ( The Blood Vengeance ) as well as the tragedy Teuta . He also published the lyrical - epic poem Grobnicko polje , several novellas and made a name for himself as a translator of numerous dramatic works. His plays were collected in two volumes (1838–1844).

He died in Zagreb, where he had retired in 1861 as a retired governor's secretary. He was buried in the Mirogoj cemetery in Zagreb.
