Diorama Museum “Kursk Battle. Belgorod region "

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Diorama Museum “Kursk Battle. Belgorod region "
Museum-diorama emblem.svg
place Belgorod coordinates: 50 ° 35 ′ 28.7 ″  N , 36 ° 35 ′ 15.6 ″  EWorld icon
opening 1987
Диорама "Огненная дуга" .jpg

The diorama museum “Kursk Battle. Belgorod Region ” is the most visited museum in Belgorod . It is dedicated to the tank battle near Prokhorovka .


Construction of the museum on the bank of the Vezjolka River began in December 1984 and was completed in November 1985. On May 9, 1985, the "Showroom of Combat Glory" was opened, in which a temporary photo exhibition was housed.

After the festive events, the museum was closed to complete the construction and works of art for the creation of a canvas and a thematic diorama plan. The Diorama Museum opened on August 4, 1987. On August 4, 1993, the permanent exhibition Scorched Earth opened in the museum .

In the years 2007-2008, stands with presentations on military topics were installed in the exhibition (forces and composition of the warring parties, detailed biographies of commanders and participants, full characterization of the weapons and ammunition of those involved, ideology and everyday life of the participants in the war) and the electronic “memory book” with access to the Memorial website of the Russian Defense Ministry.


The museum building is designed in the form of an arch on a high base. In 2008 the museum building was completely renovated.

Exhibition of military equipment

Technical equipment and weapons of the Red Army in the "Patriotic War" of 1941–1945 are exhibited in the open-air exhibition area, including tanks T-34 -85, IS-2 , IS-3 , fully mechanized artillery systems СУ-100, СУ-152; 60 mm grenade launcher (MT-13), regimental cannon ПА-27, howitzer 122 mm, a rocket launcher БМ-13 ( "Katyusha" ), which was particularly feared during the war years, and the aircraft model ЛА-7.

None of the exhibits on display took part in the Battle of Kursk . It is military equipment, all of which were not put into service until after August 1943.

Exhibition space

The exhibition area is 1280.9 m², the area for temporary exhibitions 124 m².


The diorama tank battle near Prokhorovka is the largest diorama in Russia. The basis of the artistic plan is the tank battle near Prokhorovka on July 12, 1943, in which the victory of the Red Army became a turning point in the battle of Kursk.

The diorama was created by a creative group of battle painters from the Grekow studio, folk artists R. Fed, N. But, G. Sevostyanov and W. Shcherbakov.

The diorama screen area is 1005 m² (length 67 m, height 15 m). Between the picture and the viewing platform is the terrain relief model (specialist disposition), which takes up over 500 m².

The artists have reproduced events that can be observed from a height of 252.2 m. The viewer has a look at the fight of the 5th Guards Panzer Army and the combat regulations of the 29th Panzer Corps.


On July 28, 2009 the Marka Publishing and Trading Center published an edition of ten thousand copies of a postcard with the letter "B" No. 173-K-2009 in which the diorama museum The Battle of Kursk. Belgorod region is shown. The card reads “With the wishes of peace and happiness from Belgorod - the city of military glory.” The photographer was W. Botschkarew, the designer D. Tschusowitina.

Web links

Commons : Museum diorama Battle of Kursk  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Attractions in Belgorod: Cathedral Square, Museum Diorama, Art Museum, the zoo, a sundial, an Irish pub, a centuries-old oak. Retrieved June 8, 2019 .
  2. Diorama “Arc of Fire”, Diorama Museum “Battle of Kursk. Belgorod direction ”. Retrieved June 8, 2019 .
  3. https://eng.russia.travel/objects/272248/. Retrieved June 8, 2019 .
  4. Карточки с литерой «В». Retrieved June 8, 2019 .