Dirk Flege

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Dirk Flege (born December 5, 1965 in Nordenham , Wesermarsch district) is a German journalist and political scientist. Since 2001 he has been managing director of the non-profit transport alliance Allianz pro Schiene . He describes himself as the longest-serving manager of a transport policy association at the federal level and as a rail lobbyist with heart and soul.


After graduating from high school in 1985 in Varel (Friesland district), Flege studied political science and public law in Marburg and Hamburg and obtained two university degrees (Dipl.-Pol. And MBM). He is writing his diploma thesis on the ecological transport club Germany . He then volunteered at the Nordwest-Zeitung in Oldenburg. As a research assistant to Dietmar Matterne , a member of the Bundestag , he found his way into transport policy. For four years from 1994 to 1998 Flege was managing director of the environmental association NABU in Baden-Württemberg. From 1998 to 1999 he worked as Manager New Business Areas at the corporate headquarters of Deutsche Post AG in Bonn. From 1999 to 2001, Flege headed the Ecological Transport Club Germany as Federal Managing Director in Bonn. In 2001 he took over as managing director of the then young transport alliance Allianz pro Schiene . Flege is married and has four children.

Political work

With his association, Flege is committed to increasing the market share of environmentally and climate-friendly rail. He is considered to be particularly well connected. “When it comes to rail, Dirk Flege shouldn't be missing,” writes Tagesspiegel Background. In two decades as a rail lobbyist, Flege has repeatedly criticized the respective federal governments for their focus on cars and roads. Due to the increased climate awareness, the rail lobbyist says he feels more tailwind. He is represented in various government commissions for the Pro-Rail Alliance , for example in the steering committee of the Rail Alliance for the Future. As co-chairman, he also heads Working Group VI in the Rail Alliance for the Future, which is looking for solutions to the problem of skilled workers on behalf of the German government .

Individual evidence

  1. | https://www.allianz-pro-schiene.de/ueber-uns/geschaeftsstelle/ Website of Allianz pro Schiene. Retrieved June 2, 2020
  2. Michael Bauchmüller: "In focus" . Southgerman newspaper. June 16, 2006
  3. Jens Tartler: Portrait of Dirk Flege. https://background.tagesspiegel.de/mobilitaet-transport/dirk-flege Tagesspiegel Background. October 18, 2019. Accessed January 20, 2020.
  4. Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure: Kick-off for the Rail Future Alliance. https://www.bmvi.de/SharedDocs/DE/Anlage/E/auftakt-zukunftsbuendnis-schiene.pdf?__blob=publicationFile Accessed June 2, 2020.