Poor chicken - poor man

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Original title Poor chicken - poor man
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2019
length 71 minutes
Director Jens Niehuss
script Simone Bogner,
Jens Niehuss
production tvntv GmbH
camera Gabriel Streif,
Julius Dolard,
Maximilian Fend,
Katja Felger,
Oliver Vogt,
Ken Bardyn
cut Jan-Phillipp Stahl

Poor Chicken - Poor Man, From Breakfast Egg to Economic Flight is a documentary film by Jens Niehuss, Simone Bogner from 2019 .

The documentation illuminates the complex system of egg and chicken production with international contexts, challenges, contradictions and grievances. Are portrayed and interviewed: a Thuringian organic farmer , the managing director of a German factory farming operation , an agricultural engineer of the Animal Protection Association PROVIEH , president of the Central Association of the German poultry industry , French and German consumers, director of Compassion in World Farming Paris, a board member of a Latvian factory farming operation Balticovo, MEP Maria Noichl (member of the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development), the owner of an industrial fattening facility in Brandenburg, an international broiler trader, Francisco Mari (advisor for world food and agricultural trade in Bread for the World ), a meat seller from Kaneshi market ( Accra , Ghana), the President of the Farmers Organization Network Ghana, the owner of the Ghanaian AMAS Farm, a former chicken farmer from Ghana, a refugee Ghanaian youth, a lobby activist from Corporate Europe Observato ry and the owner of a Leipzig organic market.

It was first broadcast in Germany and France on April 30, 2019 on Arte .


“With a correspondingly large fanfare, cage management was banned in Germany a few years ago, the most brutal forms immediately, the mildest will be phased out in the next few years, but already today you can hardly find eggs with the dreaded starting number 3 on the shelf. And now? It's time to take stock. Jens Niehuss and Simone Bogner do this in concentric, outwardly larger circles. […] This first local and finally global view has become part of the standard repertoire of agricultural documentation and can be admired in virtually the same construction in current articles on the dairy industry and meat production - partly with the same effects on the same ecosystems in South America and economic systems in West Africa. "

- DJ Frederiksson, Frankfurter Rundschau :

"A pleasantly non-polemical documentary that one would also like to recommend to teachers and school classes."

- Eric Leimann, prism :

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Poor chicken - poor man - From breakfast egg to economic flight. Retrieved June 2, 2020 .
  2. Poor Chicken - Poor Man, Documentary, 2018–2019 | Crew United. Retrieved June 2, 2020 .
  3. "Poor chicken - poor man" (Arte): We need eggs. April 30, 2019, accessed June 2, 2020 .
  4. Poor chicken - poor person: the illusion of “species-appropriate” animal husbandry. Retrieved June 2, 2020 .