Divisione navale oceanica

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Divisione navale oceanica was the name of an offshore association of the Navy of the Kingdom of Italy . He mainly operated in the Atlantic Ocean and also in the Pacific , especially off the coasts of Latin America , where he was supposed to protect the economic interests of Italy and those of Italian emigrants and merchants.

The origins lie in a naval association (divisione navale dell'atlantico meridionale) of the Navy of Sardinia-Piedmont , which has been operating from Montevideo in the South Atlantic since the 1830s , from which the Italian Navy emerged in 1861. In 1879 this division was supplemented by a divisione navale del pacifico because of the saltpeter war . The merger of the two associations, operated by Admiral Benedetto Brin , then resulted in the divisione navale oceanica in 1894 (officially 1898) .

At times, other Italian naval units that operated outside the Mediterranean were referred to as divisione navale oceanica . In these cases, however, the respective operational area was usually added to the designation ( e.g. divisione navale oceanica in estremo oriente ).


Fausto Leva: Storia delle campagne oceaniche della Regia Marina . USSMM, Rome 1992.

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