Dmitri Konstantinowitsch Selenin

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Dmitri Konstantinowitsch Selenin

Dmitry Konstantinovich Zelenin ( Russian Дмитрий Константинович Зеленин , scientific. Transliteration Dmitrij Konstantinović Zelenin , 21 October * . Jul / 2. November  1878 greg. In Ljuk, Ujesd Sarapul , today Udmurtia , Russia , † 31 August 1954 ) was a Russian ethnographer . He did research on the Eastern Slavs and the peoples of Eastern Siberia .


He completed his training at the seminary in what was then Chlynow and studied philology at the University of Dorpat and published works on Russian folk poetry and dialects from 1900. In 1916 he became head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at Kharkov University . In 1925 he became a professor in the Department of Ethnography of the Leningrad University and was appointed a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR .

Publications (selection)

  • Russian (East Slavic) folklore . de Gruyter, Berlin / Leipzig 1927.
  • Cult ongonov i Sibiri . Moscow 1936. (The Ongon cult in Siberia. Remnants of totemism in the ideology of the Siberian peoples. Work of the Institute of Anthropology, Archeology and Ethnography XIV. Ethnographic Series No. 3, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow / Leningrad)
  • Le culte des idoles en Sibérie . Payot, Paris 1952.


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