Dmytro Korchynskyi

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Dmytro Korchynskyi 2014

Dmytro Olexandrowytsch Kortschynskyj ( Ukrainian Дмитро Олександрович Корчинський ; born January 22, 1964 in Kiev ) is a Ukrainian nationalist and right-wing extremist politician . He is the leader of the movement Bratstwo ( German brotherhood ), a radical Greek Catholic organization.


In the late 1980s Kortschynskyj was a member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group . In the early 1990s he was a co-founder and for many years party leader of the anti-Russian and nationalist party UNA-UNSO . He took as a presidential candidate in the Ukrainian presidential election, 2004 part, but failed in the first ballot with only 0.17% of votes received. He fought on the side of the Chechen separatists in the first Chechen war and has been wanted in Russia by an arrest warrant since March 2014 . He later founded the religious organization Bratstwo . According to its own statement, the organization should serve as Christian Hezbollah in Ukraine.

Working in the Ukraine crisis

During the Euromaidan the organization Bratstwo supported the protests against the Ukrainian government. On December 1, 2013, the Jesus Christ Hundred , led by Kortschynskyj, stormed the presidential administration in Kiev. During the war in Ukraine he founded the St. Maria volunteer battalion , which fights on the side of the government troops. He takes an active part in the fighting. According to his own statement, he wants to fight “until Moscow burns”.

Individual evidence

  1. Article in Isiprawda of April 25, 2011 on the Helsinki Group (Ukrainian), accessed on August 2, 2015
  2. ^ Analysis of right-wing extremism in Ukraine ,
  3. ^ Russia launches criminal case against Tiahnybok and UNA-UNSO members
  4. Bratstvo Brotherhood Blogpoot
  5. ^ The Making of a Christian Taliban in Ukraine