Dodson Rocks

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Dodson Rocks
location Single Island
Dodson Rocks (Antarctica)
Dodson Rocks
Coordinates 69 ° 53 '  S , 68 ° 24'  E Coordinates: 69 ° 53 '  S , 68 ° 24'  E

The Dodson Rocks are two small and dark ledges on the south side of Single Island in the western section of the Amery Ice Shelf off the coast of the East Antarctic Mac Robertson Land .

Participants of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE) discovered it in 1969 during an overflight. Aerial photos were taken in 1971 during another campaign in this series of expeditions. It is named after Richard G. Dodson, chief geologist for the ANARE campaign in the Prince Charles Mountains in 1971.

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