Abialzos dolmen

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The two dolmens of Abialzos are located in the Abialzos district of Berchidda in the province of Sassari in Sardinia , near the rural churches of Santa Caterina and Sant'Andrea.

Santa Caterina

Santa Caterina is a simple dolmen surrounded by large granite rocks. The right side is formed by two irregular boulders. The pentagonal capstone rests on three supporting stones. Location: 40 ° 47 ′ 49 ″  N , 9 ° 11 ′ 58 ″  E


At the Church of St. Andrea is the Dolmen Sant'Andrea, a collapsed system consisting of three blocks, including the rectangular cover plate. There are some menhirs nearby . Location: Sant'Andrea I 40 ° 47 ′ 38.6 ″  N , 9 ° 12 ′ 19.6 ″  E , Sant'Andrea II 40 ° 47 ′ 37 ″  N , 9 ° 12 ′ 18 ″  E

In Abialzos, there is a third dolmen. Edoardo Proverbio and Pino Calledda defined this Abialzos dolmen as the Allée couvert .

At Berchidda, in the direction of Lago Coghinas, there is the fully excavated dolmen di Monte Acuto . The monument is part of an archaeological zone on the slopes of the mountain, consisting of numerous demolitions and traces of other structures.

See also


  • P. Modde: Il Monte Acuto. Analisi descrittiva. In: G. Meloni, P. Modde: Il Castello di Monte Acuto, Berchidda. Ozieri, CSG Coop. Monte Littu-Comune di Berchidda, 1994
  • Duncan Mackenzie (author), Lycia Mura (translator), Roberto Manca (editor): I dolmen, le tombe di giganti ei nuraghi della Sardegna (= Archèos, volume 3). Condaghes, Cagliari 2012, ISBN 978-88-7356-213-9

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