Dolmen of Mina de Parxubeira

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The dolmen of Mina de Parxubeira (also called Dolmen de Corveira) is an anta west of Corveira in Galicia in Spain . It is between the 4th and 3rd millennium BC. Dated. The Anta is part of the necropolis of Sotorraño-Parxubeira-Portocoiro, consisting of four megalithic systems . Anta or dolmen is the Portuguese name for around 5000 megalithic structures that were built during the Neolithic in the west of the Iberian Peninsula by the successors of the cardial or imprint culture .

The access is oriented to the east, the polygonal chamber has collapsed. A total of 13 bearing stones from the chamber and corridor have been preserved. The cairn had a diameter between 20 and 22 m and a curb ring.

In addition to flint blades , an arrow head , small idols , so-called Baetyl (Port. Betilos) one with decoration were found. During the excavations, a large amount of pottery of the Bell Beaker Culture and four coarsely carved statue menhirs made of gneiss and granite were found. The steles stood in front of the entrance.

The artifacts are in the Archaeological Museum in A Coruña .

See also


  • Anton A. Casal: La necrópolis megalítica de Parxubeira. (San Fins de Eirón, Galicia). Campañas arqueológicas de 1977 a 1984.

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Coordinates: 42 ° 56 '24.5 "  N , 8 ° 56' 11.5"  W.