Monte Longu dolmen

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Monte Longu dolmen

The dolmen of Monte Longu ( German  "long mountain" ) is located southeast of Dorgali in the province of Nuoro on sardines . Consisting of limestone built dolmens located on the southern slopes of Mount Bardia, not far from the rock Monte Longu.

Its location on the slope means that the back of the dolmen and part of the stone slabs on the side are stuck in the ground. The capstone, a polygonal monolith about 30 cm thick and three square meters in area, is also partly on top. The chamber is rectangular 2.1 by 1.5 m and has a height of 1.2 m. There are currently four panels, while a fifth is broken on the floor. Originally there were probably six. The ground shows signs of repeated illegal excavations.

Despite the absence of archaeological finds, the dolmen Monte Longu with the dolmens of Luras and Motorra is assigned to the Ozieri culture (3200 to 2800 BC).

See also


  • Giovanni Lilliu: La civiltà dei Sardi dal paleolitico all'età dei nuraghi. Nuova ERI, Torino 1988
  • Maria Rosaria Manunza: Dorgali. Monumenti antichi. S'Alvure, Oristano 1995
  • Alberto Moravetti: Serra Orrios ei monumenti archeologici di Dorgali. In: Sardegna archeologica. Guide e Itinerari. Carlo Delfino, Sassari 1998
  • Duncan Mackenzie (author), Lycia Mura (translator), Roberto Manca (editor): I dolmen, le tombe di giganti ei nuraghi della Sardegna (= Archèos, volume 3). Condaghes, Cagliari 2012, ISBN 978-88-7356-213-9
  • G. Manca: Misteriosi piccoli dolmen. In: Sardegna Antica. Volume 17, 2000

Web links

Commons : Dolmen of Monte Longu  - collection of images

Coordinates: 40 ° 16 ′ 43.4 ″  N , 9 ° 36 ′ 3.2 ″  E