Domingos de Oliveira

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Domingos de Oliveira is an East Timorese politician and a member of the União Democrática Timorense (UDT).

Oliveira was a customs officer, a former seminarian and was considered an intellectual who liked to discuss philosophy and theology. He owned a piece of land in the Gleno valley . Oliveira was a founding member of the UDT and became its first general secretary in September 1974. In 1975 he belonged, after the defeat of the UDT in the civil war against FRETILIN , he fled to the Indonesian Atambua in West Timor and became one of the signatories of the Balibo Declaration , with which East Timorese politicians were forced to ask Indonesia for intervention in East Timor, which serves as legitimation was used for the annexation of the land. The UDT later publicly distanced itself from the declaration.

After the Indonesian invasion, Oliveira initially stayed in East Timor, but left it in June 1980 and went to Australia , where his wife and two daughters had already lived and had taken Australian citizenship.

From April 1998 Oliveira was a representative of the UDT on the National Political Commission of the Conselho Nacional de Resistência Timorense . He held the office of UDT General Secretary until June 2003.

Web links

  • Photo by Domingos de Oliveira, September / October 1975 in Atambua (Indonesia).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Irena Cristalis : East Timor: A Nation's Bitter Dawn , p. 37, Zed Books Ltd. 2009, limited preview in Google Book Search
  2. José Ramos-Horta : Funu: East Timor's struggle for freedom is not over! , P. 38, Ahriman-Verlag GmbH 1997, limited preview in the Google book search
  3. Ramos-Horta: Funu: East Timor's struggle for freedom is not over! , P. 46.
  4. ^ A b Rodney Stafford Nixon: The Case of Justice and Conflict Resolution in East Timor , p. 106, accessed October 10, 2018.
  5. Frédéric B. Durand: History of Timor-Leste , pp. 105-106, ISBN 978-616-215-124-8 .
  6. ^ Heike Krieger: East Timor and the International Community: Basic Documents , 1997, ISBN 978-0-521-58134-9 .
  7. Sydney Morning Herald: Bishop kept Timor secrets to himself , August 29, 2002 , accessed October 10, 2018.
  8. Douglas Kammen: A Tape Recorder and a Wink? Transcript of the May 29, 1983, Meeting between Governor Carrascalao and Xanana Gusmao , pp. 98 & 106, accessed October 10, 2018.