Dominik Schrage

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Dominik Schrage (* 1969 in Hovestadt ) is a German sociologist and university professor . He is professor for sociological theories and cultural sociology at the Technical University of Dresden .


Schrage studied philosophy, sociology and Romance studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg , at the Free University of Berlin and at the Université Paris I from 1990 to 1995 . He received his doctorate in 2000 at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg; the dissertation Psychotechnology and Radiophony. Subject Constructions in Artificial Realities 1918–1932 was published in 2001 by Wilhelm Fink Verlag .

From 2001 to 2010 he was a research assistant at the Institute for Sociology at the TU Dresden , where he qualified as a professor in 2008 and was given the license to teach sociology. The habilitation thesis The Availability of Things. A historical sociology of consumption was published by Campus Verlag in 2009 .

From 2010 to 2012 Schrage was a deputy professor and from 2012 to 2015 professor for cultural and media sociology at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg . Since April 2015 he has held the chair for sociological theories and cultural sociology at the TU Dresden. He has been a member of the board since 2005 and spokesman for the cultural sociology section of the German Sociological Society since 2015, and has headed the consumer sociology working group together with Kai-Uwe Hellmann since 2002 . Since July 2017 he has been a sub-project manager in the Dresden Collaborative Research Center 1285: “Invectivity. Constellations and dynamics of degradation ”.

Dominik Schrage's research areas are cultural sociology, sociological theory, historical sociology, consumer sociology, media sociology and discourse analysis.


  • Psychotechnics and Radiophony. Subject constructions in artificial realities 1918-1932 Wilhelm-Fink-Verlag, Munich 2001. ISBN 3-7705-3624-X .
  • The availability of things. A historical sociology of consumption Campus Verlag, Frankfurt / New York. ISBN 978-3-593-39047-5 .
  • Between method pluralism and data trade. On the sociology of commercial consumer research , VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2008 (Ed. With Markus Friederici).
  • Technical reproducibility. On the cultural sociology of mass media duplication , Transcript-Verlag, Bielefeld 2007 (Ed. With Lutz Hieber).
  • Management of customers. Studies on the sociology of shopping , VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2005 (Ed. With Kai-Uwe Hellmann).
  • The flood. Discourse analyzes on the Dresden floods from August 2002 , Verlag Monsenstein and Vannerdat, Münster 2005 (ed.).
  • Consumption of advertising. On the production and reception of meaning in commercial culture , VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2004 (Ed. With Kai-Uwe Hellmann).
  • Technologies as Discourses. Constructions of knowledge, media and bodies , Synchron-Verlag, Heidelberg 2001 (Ed. With Andreas Lösch, Dierk Spreen and Markus Stauff).

Schrage is also the editor of the series Dresden Contributions to Sociology together with Guido Mehlkop and Stephan Hein.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Subproject I: Sociology. Retrieved May 30, 2019 .