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Overview of the domotronics

The Domotronik (ger .: domotronic ) is concerned interdisciplinary with the cooperation and the networking of home , energy and communication technology in larger buildings and their requirements.

The term Dom-o-tronik ( Dom us (Latin for house) - o - Elek tronic ) is a suitcase word . It was coined in 2009 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Innsbruck and has its origins in the further development of civil engineering, especially for larger buildings, in the direction of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering or computer science. This happened due to the close relationship between the faculty and energy-efficient building construction and also the passive house . Larger and more complex buildings in particular can be implemented particularly efficiently through the optimal and planned interaction of the building and its components per se and through the use of domotronic components.

Domotronics refers to a teaching and research direction that deals with the intelligent networking of house, energy and communication technology with buildings.

Definition of terms

Domotronics is especially useful for larger buildings with complex requirements such as B. hospitals, shopping centers or other large-volume buildings are necessary, since passive measures alone are no longer sufficient.

The aim of domotronics is to create buildings that guarantee optimal comfort, offer a healthy environment, integrate numerous services such as security, communication and assistance systems, and react to users and the environment through specific sensors for sunshine, shading, light and heat. At the same time, the outside areas of the building can be used to generate energy using photovoltaics or solar thermal energy, so that a building can develop from an energy-efficient object to an energy-self-sufficient one. Here, both the building itself in its design, with the glazed surfaces and the storage masses, as well as the user with his requirements, must be integrated into the concept of building and control technology. Domotronics is an important link here in order to be able to operate the building as a whole optimally for the user, but with the least possible energy consumption.

The economic benefits of ambient intelligence are considerable. Hans-Jörg Bullinger, President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, estimates the expected annual turnover at 500 billion euros worldwide (Manager Magazin 7/2006).


Domotronics is offered as a master’s degree at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Innsbruck. There are mathematics , engineering mechanics , mechanical engineering , thermodynamics , fluid mechanics , electrical circuits , electronics , communication technology , control technology , programming , digital signal processing , robotics taught civil engineering, building construction and materials. The combination of theoretical and practical skills then enables the implementation of “intelligent buildings” both in new buildings and in the renovation of old buildings.

On the one hand, the application and further development of technologies for the economical and efficient use of the required energy plays a central role, on the other hand the intelligent utilization of the existing potential of renewable energies. Efficiency and sustainability become the key terms that determine the course.

Graduates of the master’s degree in Domotronics have an integrated knowledge of computer science, electrical engineering, electronics, structural engineering, building technology and renewable energies as well as skills and abilities that enable them to succeed in a variety of application areas.

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