Donald J. Trump Foundation

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The Donald J. Trump Foundation is a private foundation established in the United States in 1987 and based in New York City . It was founded by real estate entrepreneur and later 45th US President Donald Trump . The work of the Foundation has in the past generated controversy, criticism and investigation by government agencies. The purpose of the foundation is to promote political initiatives in the interests of the founder and charitable purposes.


The foundation was founded in 1987 in New York by Donald Trump.

Between 2001 and 2014, the foundation gave approximately $ 10.9 million to more than 400 different charities. These included organizations like the William J. Clinton Foundation and a nonprofit run by the New York Times . 2.8 million of the $ 10.9 million distributed during this period came from Trump himself.

During the 2016 election campaign , Trump said at a veterans gala he organized in Iowa that he had raised several million for ex-soldiers and that he was paying one million himself. In May 2016, journalist David Fahrenthold asked for the Washington Post to whom it was sent Money had been transferred. He didn't get any responses from Trump's employees, so he contacted hundreds of organizations in the United States. At the end of May 2016, Trump railed against journalists at a press conference, announcing that the foundation had paid out $ 5.6 million. The checks were not made out until the Washington Post asked.

In late 2016, the Donald J. Trump Foundation announced that it had determined that some of its work had violated federal law and was planning to cease its work. The assets should be shared with other carriers.

At the same time, the New York District Attorney was investigating. Because of the ongoing investigations, it was not possible to liquidate the foundation. In November 2019, a judge ruled that the case against Donald Trump's payment of a $ 2 million fine should be discontinued. In addition, the foundation must be dissolved and its remaining assets of 1.7 million dollars (around 1.55 million euros) distributed to other, non-profit organizations. The prosecution requested a payment of $ 2.8 million plus interest. However, the judge was of the opinion that the money, which had initially been illegally distributed, was ultimately used for charitable purposes.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Donald J. Trump Foundation | Find Grantmakers & Nonprofit Funders | Foundation Directory Online. Retrieved February 12, 2018 .
  2. ^ Dan Alexander: Where Did Trump's Foundation Donate Its Money? IRS Documents Reveal Surprising Answers . In: Forbes . ( [accessed February 5, 2018]).
  3. ^ Matthias Kolb Washington: Trump Foundation - Foundation for image maintenance . In: . September 17, 2016, ISSN  0174-4917 ( [accessed February 5, 2018]).
  4. Trump's charitable foundation says it's shutting down, but an ongoing investigation in New York may complicate that . In: Business Insider Germany . ( [accessed on February 5, 2018]).
  5. New York's attorney general has been investigating the charity after some of these reports, and a spokeswoman for that office said the foundation could not officially shut down until that probe is over.