Double square

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The double em dash ( , English 2-em dash ) is in the typography a horizontal line, the two foursquare , so as long as two en dashes - is (). In English typography, it denotes a part of the text (sequence of words or letters within a word) that should not be displayed directly (e.g. illegible text parts or inappropriate expressions).

Examples (quoted from):

  • "The region gives its —— to the language spoken there."
  • "David H —— h [Hirsch?] Voted aye." (In German typography, a sequence of three or more asterisks or ellipses is usually used in this case .)

Representation on computer systems

The double square is contained in the Unicode block Additional punctuation at position U + 2E3A (11834 10 ) since Unicode version 6.1. It is not included in common 8-bit character sets such as Windows-1252 . The few fonts that contain it (as of late 2019) include Andika , Everson Mono , Segoe UI and Symbola . The character can be entered in various systems using key combinations or codes:

System 1 Double square ( )
German standard keyboard layout E1 and T2 Alt Gr+ äfollowed by-
Microsoft Word Unicode input 2, E, 3, A, Alt+ C1
XML / HTML decimal & # 11834;
hexadecimal & # x2E3A;
Unicode U + 2E3A

Individual evidence

  1. a b The Chicago Manual of Style . 15th edition. Chicago 2003, ISBN 0-226-10403-6 , pp. 265 .
  2. ^ Karl Pentzlin: Proposal to encode two dashes required by the Chicago Manual of Style in the UCS. (pdf; 607 kB) ISO / IEC JTC1 / SC2 / WG2, February 10, 2010, accessed on July 6, 2012 (English).
  3. ^ Friedrich Forssman , Ralf de Jong: Detail typography . 2nd Edition. Hermann Schmidt, Mainz 2004, ISBN 3-87439-642-8 , punctuation marks - everyday special characters, p. 190 .
  4. TWO-EM DASH (U + 2E3A) Font Support ., accessed December 11, 2019