Double star measurements from Winnecke

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Double star measurements is aseries of observations publishedby Friedrich August Theodor Winnecke in the " Astronomische Nachrichten "in 1869, in which he reported on a number of observations made using various refractors in Bonn, Berlin and Pulkovo. He added a list of seven “new” double stars to them. He later discovered that three of these (30 Eri, Bradley 757, and 44 Cyg) had been discovered earlier.


Star. Constellation
Comp. component
Rec. Right ascension
Dec. declination
m vis Visual brightness
Spk. Spectral class


object Star. Rec. Dec. m vis Spk. Other catalog entries
WNC 1 Psc 00:58:01 +09: 16.7 9.9 / 10.4 G5 /? BD + 8 137 • ADS 802
WNC 2 Eri 03:52:42 -05: 21.7 5.4 / 10.6 B8V / F4V 30 Eri • ADS 2832 • BD-05 769
WNC 3 Ori 05:23:51 -00: 52.0 6.6 / 8.0 / 8.1 F7V / F8V / F8V BD -1 882 • ADS 3991 • HD 35317 • CCDM J05239-0052
WNC 4 UMa 12:22:16 +58: 05.0 9.6 / 10.1 G0 / F8 M 40 • BDS 6146 • HD 238107/8
WNC 5 Vir 13:45:33 -03: 01.0 9.6 G0 ADS 9015 • BD-02 3728
WNC 6 Cyg 20:31:00 +36: 56.2 6.2 / F5Iab 44 Cyg • ADS 13949 • BD + 36 4105 • CCDM J20310 + 3656
WNC 7 Peg 23:32:33 +31: 26.8 8.6 F8 BD + 30 4971 • ADS 16822


object Comp. Rec. Dec. m vis Spk. Other catalog entries
WNC 1 total 00h58m01s + 09 ° 16'42 "

BD + 08 137 • ADS 802
A. 00h58m00.83s + 09 ° 16'43.2 " 9.7 G5 BD + 08 137A • ADS 802A
B. 00h58m01.3s + 09 ° 16'41 " 10.6 ? BD + 08 137B • ADS 802B
WNC 2 total 03h52m42s −05 ° 21'42 "

30 Eri • ADS 2832
BD-05 769

5.4 B8V 30 Eri A
ADS 2832 A • BD-05 769 A

10.6 F4V 30 Eri B
ADS 2832 B • BD-05 769 B
WNC 3 total 05h23m51.33s −00 ° 51'59.8 " 6.11
HD 35317 • ADS 3991 • CCDM J05239-0052
A. 05h23m51.42s −00 ° 52'01.7 " 6.1 F7V HD 35317 A • ADS 3991 A • CCDM J05239-0052 A
B. 05h23m51s −00 ° 52'00 " 8.0 F8V HD 35317 B • ADS 3991 B • CCDM J05239-0052 B
C. 05h23m51s −00 ° 52'00 " 8.1 F8V HD 35317 C • ADS 3991 C • CCDM J05239-0052 C
WNC 4 total 12h22m24s + 58 ° 05'00 " 9.2
M 40 • BD + 58 1372 • CCDM J12223 + 5805
A. 12h22m12.51s + 58 ° 04'59.1 " 9.8 G0 HD 238107 • SAO 28353
B. 12h22m19.05s + 58 ° 05'10.6 " 10.0 F8 HD 238108 • SAO 28355
WNC 5 total 13h45m33s −03 ° 01'00 "

ADS 9015 • BD-02 3728

9.6 G0 ADS 9015 A • BD-02 3728 A

ADS 9015 B • BD-02 3728 B
WNC 6 total 20h31m00s + 36 ° 56'12 "

44 Cyg • ADS 13949 • BD + 36 4105 • CCDM J20310 + 3656

6.2 F5Iab 44 Cyg A • ADS 13949 A • BD + 36 4105 • CCDM J20310 + 3656

44 Cyg B • ADS 13949 B • BD + 36 4105 • CCDM J20310 + 3656
WNC 7 total 23h32m33.07s + 31 ° 26'49.6 "

BD + 30 4971 • ADS 16822 • CCDM J23326 + 3127 • GC 32741 • SAO 73328 • HD 221492

8.6 F8 BD + 30 4971 A • ADS 16822 A • CCDM J23326 + 3127 • GC 32741 • SAO 73328 • HD 221492

BD + 30 4971 B • ADS 16822 B • CCDM J23326 + 3127 • GC 32741 • SAO 73328 • HD 221492
