Dorfer Bach
Dorfer Bach or Dorferbach are the following geographical objects:
- Dorferbach (Alpbach) , to the Alpbach in the Alpbachtal, North Tyrol
- Dorfer Bach (Gail) , to the Gail near Obertilliach , East Tyrol
- Dorferbach (Isel) , also Islitz , to the Isel in Hinterbichler Dorfertal, East Tyrol
- Dorfer Bach (Niers) , to the Niers in the district of Viersen, North Rhine-Westphalia
- Dorfer Bach (Rantenbach) , to the Rantenbach near Krakaudorf , Upper Styria
- Dorferbach (Zederhausbach) , to the Zederhausbach in Zederhaus , Lungau, State of Salzburg
See also: