Doris Danler

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Doris Danler (* 1966 in Schwaz ) is an Austrian diplomat .


Doris Danler studied political science at the University of Innsbruck from 1986 to 1993 . She then took on a position for public relations for the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation  (ORF). From 1995 she worked as a freelance journalist and carried out research in Nigeria on the conflict in the Niger Delta .

In April 1997, Danler entered the diplomatic service. In 2000 she became deputy head of mission in Nairobi (Kenya) , and in 2003 deputy head of mission in Damascus (Syria) during the crisis over the Mohammed cartoons . From 2006 she worked again at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Vienna, at the Middle East department and deputy department head for Africa. In March 2011 she took over the post of director at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Istanbul (Turkey).

In September 2015 Danler was appointed Ambassador to the Republic of Estonia in Tallinn (accredited September 8, 2015). The embassy is expected to be closed under her leadership. [outdated]


  • with Markus Brunner; Heinrich Bergstresser, Sibylle Pohly-Berstresser (collaborators): Shell in Nigeria. Multinational Companies in the Third World - a Case Study of Shell in the Niger Delta / Multinational Corporations in Third World using the example of Shell in the Niger Delta. Study for Bread for the World / Brot für die Welt, Lagos / Cologne, August 1996.
  • Ogoni versus Shell and the Nigerian military government. Conflict resolution in the delta region of Nigeria. In: Theory and Practice of Civil Conflict Management. Peace Report 1996, 1st Yearbook for Conflict Resolution, Ruegger Verlag, Bern 1996.


  1. ^ Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Decision of the Council of Ministers on filling management positions abroad. APA OTS0224, January 13, 2015
  2. ^ Austria - Relations. Estonian Embassy in Vienna,, accessed March 7, 2016.
  3. Embassies: From the Baltic States to Georgia. In: Die Presse online, June 26, 2015;
    Austria closes embassies in the Baltic States. In: Der Standard online, June 26, 2015;
    Briefly masons at savings. In: Wiener Zeitung online, September 10, 2015.
predecessor Office successor
Renate Kobler Austrian Ambassador to Estonia
Sept. 2015 - ...