Dorothea Konwiarz

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Dorothea Konwiarz (* 1932 ; † 1999 ) was a German artist, set designer and donor.


Against her father's resistance, Konwiarz began studying at the master crafts school at the age of seventeen. Konwiarz later switched to the University of the Arts , Berlin (then: Hochschule für Künste, Berlin) and studied with Karl Hofer and Hans Jaenisch . At that time, people were Konwiarz's subject . She took the models off the street to capture the direct misery of the survivors of World War II in pictures and drawings. After graduating, Konwiarz went to America for a year and exhibited her works in galleries in New York and Chicago . Her works became more abstract in America.

Back in Germany , Konwiarz financed her life as a set designer for television . In the process, detailed scenes were created. October 13, 1977 changed Konwiarz further life. She and her next of kin were passengers on the hijacked Landshut aircraft (Lufthansa Boeing 737-200). Kowiarz tried to cope with the event artistically and at the end of her creative period only painted symbolic landscapes. The people had disappeared from their works.

At the end of her life, Konwiarz set up a foundation to support women painters from part of her fortune.

Dorothea Konwiarz Foundation

The Dorothea Konwiarz Foundation was donated by the artist. The idea of ​​the foundation consists in the appreciation of the life's work of the founder. by preserving and exhibiting their works and by awarding annual grants (the Dorothea Konwiarz grant) to young female painters. Drawn by a serious illness, Dorothea Konwiarz wrote her first draft statute in autumn 1999. The basic idea was to create an independent institution that would make it easier for young painters to make the leap from art college to life. On May 29, 2000, the Dorothea Konwiarz Foundation was granted approval as a non-profit sponsoring company.

Dorothea Konwiarz grant

The Dorothea Konwiarz scholarship is a grant for young talented and needy painters (within the meaning of the applicable social laws). There are no restrictions regarding the nationality of the applicants or their artistic conception (provided this is manifested in two dimensions). This means that in order to be awarded a scholarship, samples of work (and also work shown later in the gallery) must have recognizable painterly qualities. Since 2000 (as of 8/2019), more than 125 scholars have been funded.


  • 2000 - 2010 Dorothea Konwiarz Foundation. Publisher: Dorothea Konwiarz Foundation, 2010. 500 copies. Catalog with works by former scholarship holders of the foundation

Individual evidence

  1. Dorothea Konwiarz

Web links