Dortje Golldack-Brockhausen

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Dortje Golldack-Brockhausen (* 9. April 1968 as Dortje Golldack in Eberswalde ) is a German biologist and botanist . She is an adjunct professor for biochemistry and physiology of plants at Bielefeld University .


Golldack-Brockhausen studied biology at the University of Rostock . There she wrote her diploma thesis in the scientific field of plant physiology and biochemistry on the subject of salt adaptation of cyanobacteria and graduated in 1991 .

She then moved to a graduate college at the Julius von Sachs Institute for Biosciences at the University of Würzburg for doctoral studies . She researched protein synthesis in the halotolerant green alga Dunaliella parva and received her doctorate in 1995 .

Funded by a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG), she was a postdoctoral fellow at Arizona State University (USA) in the Department of Biochemistry from 1995 to 1997 , during which time she carried out research on ion channels and ion transporters in plant cells under salt stress.

In 1997 she moved to the Faculty of Biology at Bielefeld University, where she initially worked as a research assistant and research assistant . In 2003 Golldack-Brockhausen qualified as a professor in botany , was appointed senior assistant in 2004 and founded her own junior research group. In 2008 she was appointed adjunct professor.

Research focus and activities

Golldack-Brockhausen researches the molecular and physiological basis of the adaptation of plants to the environmental factors drought and salt. The aim of this research is to develop strategies to reduce the global threat to agricultural yields caused by drought and salinization as a result of climate change and global warming as a topic of great global importance and topicality in the 21st century.

In addition, she was a sub-project leader in the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centers SFB 549 “Processing and Signaling of Extracellular Macromolecules” and SFB 613 “Physics of Single Molecule Processes and Molecular Recognition in Organic Systems” at Bielefeld University.

She advocates an increase in the number of female academics and professors, particularly in the natural sciences, in the Federal Republic of Germany, and from 2002 to 2010 she was a member of the gender equality committees at Bielefeld University.

Since 2009 she has been Associate Editor of the peer-reviewed journal BMC Plant Biology .

Fonts (selection)

  • Stress-induced protein synthesis in the halotolerant green alga Dunaliella parva. Dissertation, University of Würzburg, 1994.

Golldack-Brockhausen has published over 50 articles in specialist publications since 1993, including:

  • With Christoph Kluge, Karl-Josef Dietz: Subunit D of the vacuolar H + -ATPase of Arabidopsis thaliana. In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. Volume 1419, No. 1, June 9, 1999, pp. 105-110, doi: 10.1016 / S0005-2736 (99) 00055-3
  • With Karl-Josef Dietz: Crassulacean acid metabolism: A special case of pH Regulation and H + Fluxes. In: Zdenko Rengel (Ed.): Handbook of Plant Growth pH as the Master Variable. Marcel Dekker, New York and Basel 2005
  • Molecular Responses of Halophytes to High Salinity. In: Karl Esser et al. (Ed.): Progress in Botany. Volume 65: Genetics Physiology Systematics Ecology. Springer, New York 2004, pp. 219-234.
  • Subcellular sites of environmental sensing . In: Ulrich Lüttge et al. (Ed.): Progress in Botany. Volume 69, Springer, New York 2008, pp. 201-230.
  • Gravitropism, phototropism. In: K. Munk (Hrsg.): Pocket textbook Biology - Botany. Thieme Verlag, 2009, pp. 425-439.
  • Cellular mechanisms of environmental adaptation: Learning from non-Arabidopsis model species. In: Ulrich Lüttge et al. (Ed.): Progress in Botany. Volume 74, Springer, New York 2012, pp. 137-151.


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