Dragon Hole Bridge

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Coordinates: 48 ° 33 ′ 37 "  N , 9 ° 39 ′ 57"  E

A8 Dragon Hole Bridge
Dragon Hole Bridge
Convicted Federal motorway 8
place Drackenstein
construction Arch bridge
overall length 230 m
height 40 m
start of building 1936
completion 1937; after reconstruction in 1950
Drachenloch Bridge (Baden-Württemberg)
Dragon Hole Bridge

The Drachenloch Bridge on the A 8 is the first of three large bridges on the Drackensteiner Hang on the Swabian Alb in Baden-Württemberg . The two directional lanes to Stuttgart and Munich run separately between Hohenstadt and Mühlhausen im Täle , the Drachenloch Bridge is crossed in two lanes in the Alb descent towards Stuttgart. The Drachenloch Bridge is located next to the Nasenfelstunnel and the Impferloch Bridge.


Debris below the Drachenloch Bridge
Dragon Hole Bridge

The bridge was built in 1936/37, architecturally designed by Paul Bonatz . The arch bridge made of reinforced concrete had ten arches on with opening widths of 15.6 meters and 18.5 meters Pfeilerachsabständen of. The 9 meter wide deck was designed for two lanes. In the early years, the structure was driven on with two-way traffic, as the Alb ascent in the direction of Munich was not yet completed.

The German Wehrmacht blew up the Drachenloch Bridge shortly before the end of the Second World War in order to slow the advance of the Allies. The ruins of the destroyed bridge are still in the Gosbachtal and, like the entire complex with the Drachenlochbrücke and the following Himmelsleiterbrücke and Fischerhäuslebrücke, are under monument protection.

A road was built along the mountain as a diversion route for the blown up Drachenloch Bridge; the bridge was rebuilt from 1949 to 1950. The road on the mountain side was used as a parking lot at times; today the access to it is closed.


It is planned to completely re-route the A 8 in the section Mühlhausen –Widderstall parking lot with six lanes with a hard shoulder, which means that the previously separate lanes will no longer exist or should be stepped down to form a state road. The ascent and descent of the Alb will then be accomplished via two new tunnels to be built through the Himmelsschleife and the Drackenstein as well as two bridges.


Web links

Commons : Drachenlochbrücke  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. structurae.de
  2. ^ Karl Schaechterle, Fritz Leonhardt: The design of the bridges . Volk und Reich Verlag, Berlin 1937, p. 105