Wire frame education

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Vines in a wire frame

The wire frame education is a vine training method , wherein the vines in the trellis are planted in a wire line. With the high culture in Germany at the end of the 1950s, the process replaced the traditional stick culture in viticulture . The wire training of the vines enables the use of full harvesters and the mechanical cultivation of a large area . The use of agricultural machines in viticulture requires wider reading lanes and a greater distance between the vines in the wire rows than with a row of wood that is cultivated manually.

Metal posts are dug or hammered into the rows of the vines at intervals . Wires are stretched between these at different heights , on which the climbing vine should tend to grow vines. For the wire frame education, vineyards of traditional wine - growing areas were extensively cleared . The typical landscape of the wine villages has undergone a change as a result. During the Kaiserstuhl artificial terraces of loess were built, the Drahtbau was in espalier in the room Stuttgart reason the cultural landscape formative dry stone walls to eliminate for mechanized viticulture. The trellises were often oriented towards the valley and the small terraced relief of the vineyard slopes was leveled.