Drasterius bimaculatus

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Drasterius bimaculatus
Drasterius bimaculatus

Drasterius bimaculatus

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Click beetles (Elateridae)
Genre : Drasterius
Type : Drasterius bimaculatus
Scientific name
Drasterius bimaculatus
( Rossi , 1790)
Fig. 1: side view

Drasterius bimaculatus is a beetle from the family of beetles . The scientific generic name Drasterius is from Altgr. δραστήριος drastērios “enterprising” derived and refers to the fact that the beetlecrawls around lively. The specific epithet bimaculatus ( Latin ) means "with two spots" and refers to the drawing of the wing covers . Drasterius bimaculatus is the only species of the genus in Europe.

Characteristics of the beetle

The long oval beetle is four to 5.5 millimeters long. The body is black, somewhat shiny and hairy rather thickly ashen gray.

The head is tilted with the mouthparts pointing downwards. The unrimmed forehead is set off sharply against the head shield and towers over it. The upper lip is much lower than the edge of the forehead. The eleven-link, slightly sawn antennae are, like the legs, reddish yellow-brown. The rear edge of the eyes touches the front edge of the pronotum.

The head and pronotum are shiny and moderately dense but clearly dotted (Fig. 1). The side edge of the pronotum is not visible from above. The hairiness of the pronotum falls backwards, at the base to the sides. The outer corners of the base are strong and briefly keeled lengthways. The keel is fine, approximated to the side edge and runs parallel to it in front.

The elytra are streaked by rows of deep elongated points. The drawing is very variable and looks colorful. The yellow-brown spots on a dark brown background often consist of a large spot that takes up more than the front half of the wing-cover, and a smaller spot near the wing tip. The first-mentioned spot can, however, cover almost the entire wing-cover, be broken up into several spots, or be completely absent. The size and position of the posterior stain also varies.

The middle hips are broadly separated, the thigh covers of the rear hips are very broad inside, they quickly taper to the outside. The legs have five-limbed tarsi . The claws have a long bristle on top.


The larvae develop in a moist environment on and under decaying parts of plants, occasionally in stagnant water. They feed saprophagous in the humus of sandy soils.

The beetle can be found from spring to autumn under stones and plant residues as well as freely walking around in the sun, it often appears in company.


The distribution area of ​​the species extends from North Africa across southern Europe and southeastern Central Europe to the Urals and is also reported from Asia Minor , Iraq , the Caucasus and Turkestan . The northern limit of distribution in Europe runs through Germany , Poland , the Ukraine , central and eastern Russia .


  • Heinz Joy, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse: The beetles of Central Europe . tape 6 : Diversicornia . Spectrum, Heidelberg 1979, ISBN 3-87263-027-X .
  • Gustav Jäger (Ed.): CG Calwer’s Käferbuch . K. Thienemanns, Stuttgart 1876, 3rd edition
  • Edm.Reitter: Fauna Germanica, the beetles of the German Empire III. Volume, KGLutz 'publishing house, Stuttgart 1911

Individual evidence

  1. a b Drasterius bimaculatus at Fauna Europaea. Retrieved February 3, 2011
  2. Sigmund Schenkling: "Explanation of the scientific beetle names"
  3. Drasterius at Fauna Europaea. Retrieved February 3, 2011
  4. a b Polish coleopterological website

Web links

Commons : Drasterius bimaculatus  - album with pictures, videos and audio files