Three-month injection

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Three-month injection

The three-month injection is a hormonal contraceptive with a progestin as an active ingredient. It represents an alternative to the birth control pill, which like this one prevents ovulation . It is injected every three months between the first and fifth day of the cycle as a depot in the woman's gluteal or deltoid muscle . The syringe is a long-term contraceptive.


In order to induce ovulation , certain amounts of various hormones must be produced at certain times during a menstrual cycle . This hormonal cycle is influenced by hormonal contraceptives such as the three-month injection so that ovulation does not occur.


The Pearl Index , which indicates the reliability of contraceptive methods, is 0.3 to 0.8. This means that out of 100 women who use this method for a year (1,200 application cycles), about one becomes pregnant. The three-month injection is therefore a very safe method of contraception .


Spontaneous sexual intercourse is neither prevented nor impaired. It is not possible to forget to take the contraceptive. The effect cannot be impaired by vomiting and / or diarrhea because it is not taken orally. The three-month injection is also suitable for patients who suffer from certain intestinal diseases such as colitis or Crohn's disease , who regularly take drugs that impair the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill, or who cannot tolerate estrogens .


The injected amount of hormones, which has to work over a long period of time, is relatively high (depot principle). A spontaneous withdrawal is not possible; the sprayed depot must first be completely dismantled. May be susceptible of menstruation and irregular bleeding occur. In some cases, as with the pill, weight gain occurs. After weaning, it can take up to 22 months for regular ovulation to return. There are drugs (some antibiotics , St. John's wort preparations, certain anti-epileptic drugs ) that can affect the syringe's effectiveness. The three-month injection does not offer any protection against sexually transmitted diseases .

Side effects

There are frequent disorders of the menstrual cycle with intermenstrual bleeding and spotting. Other possible side effects include weight gain, mood swings, and depression . The libido can decrease. Studies suggest that the depot injection increases the risk of osteoporosis .

Active ingredients

The synthetic gestagens medroxyprogesterone or norethisterone, for example, are used as gestagens in the three-month injection .

Indications and contraindications


The manufacturers recommend the three-month injection only to women who want long-term contraception, i.e. who want to become pregnant in the next few years or not at all (anymore). The German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics recommends it only "to mature women who have completed family planning".


The three-month injection should not be given during breastfeeding . Other contraindications are increased blood pressure , phlebitis and a tendency to thrombosis , breast cancer and tumors of the uterine lining, liver dysfunction and disorders of lipid metabolism.

Web links

  • - three-month injection : The independent information service of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA)