Triple barrel

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Triple tonum consists of three single tonum or a single tonum and a double tonum of Gregorian chant , which are on any same or different pitch , and represent a form of group neumes . When group neumes are combined, multi- group neumes are used .

Of the triple tonumen, only the Salicus in unison , in which two tones on the same pitch are followed by a higher tone, has no name of its own.

The most important triple tonums are listed below in alphabetical order and are only examples because of the variable intervals with regard to the pitch of the individual tones in the square notation :

designation Square notation Notation St. Gallen / Einsiedeln
Climacus Climacus.png Climacus.Handschrift.png
Salicus in unison Salicus.Gleichklang.png Salicus.Gleichklang.Handschrift.png
Porrectus Porrectus.png Porrectus.Handschrift.png
Pressus Trine 2.gif Pressus.Handschrift.gif
Salicus Salicus.gif Salicus.Handschrift.gif
Scandicus Scandicus.gif Scandicus.handwriting.gif
Torculus Torculus.png Torculus.Handschrift.png
Trine Trine 2.gif Trigon.Handschrift.gif
Tristropha Trivirga.gif Tristropha.Handschrift.gif
Trivirga Trivirga.gif Trivirga.1.png Trivirga.Handschrift.png