Dryas (son of Aegyptus)

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Dryas ( ancient Greek Δρύας Drýas ) is one of the 50 sons of Aigyptus , the twin brother of Danaos , in Greek mythology . His mother was the naiad Kaliadne , with whom Aigyptos had eleven other sons: Eurylochos , Phantes , Peristhenes , Hermos , Potamon , Kisseus , Lixos , Imbros , Bromios , Polyktor and Chthonios .

For the mass wedding of the 50 sons of Aegyptus with the 50 daughters of Danaos, at which lot decided on the pairing, he was assigned Eurydice , the daughter of the naiad Polyxo , as wife. According to Hyginus Mythographus , however, he married the Danaide Hecabe. Like the other sons of Aegyptus with the exception of Lynkeus , he was killed by his wife on their wedding night.



  1. a b Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
  2. ^ Hyginus Mythographus , Fabulae 170.