Jihad from al-Hajj Omar

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The jihad of al-Hajj Umar al-Futi in Fouta Toro and in Mali began, he was from in 1851. al-Hajj Omar , a supporter of Tijaniyyah - Brotherhood led. Al-Hajj Omar returned to West Africa from a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1825 and began to work there as a preacher. After years of failure, he began a war in the Fouta Toro against followers of traditional African religions and only superficially Islamized Muslims. However, he was soon defeated by the advancing French colonial forces. He then turned to the Massina region to defeat and convert the "pagan" Bambara there. He had spectacular success and was lord of the Massina, Timbuktus , Hamdallahis and Ségous in 1862 . His war was supported by the Tukulor , but fought by the Soninke . However, he was defeated in 1864 and killed soon after. His empire lasted until 1891 when the French conquered it.


  • John Ralph Willis: In the path of Allah: the passion of al-Hajj ʿUmar; an essay into the nature of charisma in Islam. London 1989.