Down-headed parrot

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Down-headed parrot
Down-headed parrots

Down-headed parrots

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Parrots (Psittaciformes)
Family : True parrots (Psittacidae)
Tribe : New World Parrots (Arini)
Genre : Red-tipped Parrots ( Pionus )
Type : Down-headed parrot
Scientific name
Pionus sordidus
( Linnaeus , 1758)

The downy-headed parrot ( Pionus sordidus ), a real New World parrot, belongs to the genus of the red-tipped parrots .


The distribution area of ​​the down-headed parrot stretches from northern Venezuela via western Colombia through Ecuador and northern Peru to northern Bolivia . Here he lives exclusively at altitudes of 500 and 1500 meters. All subspecies of the dune-headed parrot inhabit tropical and subtropical forests and forest edges.


The downy-headed parrot reaches a size of 28 cm. The head plumage is olive green, the feathers on the apex are lined with dark blue. The feathers on the cheeks are olive with blue feather tips, the throat and collar are blue. The feathers on the chest are pale yellow-olive with a purple-pink tinge. The plumage on the belly is matt olive. The under tail cover is red and the top is matt olive green, each feather is framed in brown. The cover feathers of the hand wings and flight feathers are green with brown-green inner flags. The under wing cover and the underside of the flight feathers are green. The tail feathers are dark green, the outer feathers are lined with blue on the outer flags and turn red towards the roots. The feet of the parrots are dark brown. The iris is yellow-brown.

The juveniles look similar to the adults, but the feathers on the head, throat and chest are pale green. In addition, the young do not yet have the blue tint of the adult birds on the head area. The under tail cover is yellowish green or intense red.


  • Pionus sordidus sordidus ( Linnaeus , 1758)
  • P. sordidus antelius Todd , 1947
  • P. sordidus ponsi Aveledo & Gines , 1950
  • P. sordidus saturatus Todd , 1915
  • P. sordidus corallinus Bonaparte , 1854
  • P. sordidus mindoensis Chapman , 1925

Way of life

Outside the breeding season, the downy-headed parrot lives in flocks and family groups of 30 to 100 specimens. They go looking for food together. The rainy season determines the breeding season for the parrots. The species that inhabit the south of the range therefore begin breeding in October. The species in the north of the range probably not until April.


The downy-headed parrot is still a common bird in all parts of its range, although the population in the north has declined slightly due to the ongoing clearing of rainforest. The species is currently still able to re-develop or maintain the changed or destroyed areas as habitats.


  • Susanne and Werner Lantermann (1986): The parrots of Central and South America: Species, keeping and breeding , Verlag M. & M. Schaper, ISBN 3-7944-0149-2

Web links

Commons : Pionus sordidus  - collection of images, videos and audio files