Duplex printing

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Under duplex printing is generally understood that a gray scale picture with a second color (usually with a spot color is) printed. The image must be specially color- separated. Duplex printing enhances the impact of the image.

A distinction is made between the following types of printing:
  1. fake duplex printing: colored printing from a printing plate in two passes with two colors. The position of the image is shifted minimally diagonally during the second print run .
  2. real duplex printing: colored printing of two printing plates, which differ in the tone values and tone gradations and the screen angle . A monochrome original can be reproduced much more vividly in duplex printing than in monochrome printing. The synonym duotone printing is also used, especially in the publishing industry.

In colloquial language, duplex printing can also be understood as the simultaneous or two-step printing of the front and back of a medium using a computer printer or inkjet plotter , since the English expression "duplex" is untranslated in German (as Anglicism ). neglecting the difference to the German meaning of the term "duplex printing" is used ( false friend ). The use of this slang Anglicism in the written language carries the risk of confusion with the original meaning of the term "duplex printing".


See also