Through the Bible

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Through the Bible (English Thru the Bible ) is a Bible study radio program that has been taking listeners through all 66 books of the Bible in a verse -to-verse discussion since 1967 in 30-minute broadcasts . The idea for this project, which will deal with, explain and comment on the entire Old and New Testament in about five years , came from the American pastor John Vernon McGee (1904–1988), who helped people all over the world to have a fundamental understanding wanted to help the statements of the Holy Scriptures. The series with the motto "The whole Word for the whole world" (German "(The whole Word of God) for the whole world" ) is now broadcast in more than 100 languages by hundreds of radio stations and is also distributed via the Internet.


After completing his theological studies, J. Vernon McGee initially served in various Presbyterian churches before he became pastor at the non-denominational, evangelical Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles in 1949 , where he also had a daily radio program, High Noon Bible Class .

In 1967 McGee began with the Thru the Bible Radio Network program, which took the radio listeners first in 2½, then in 5 years through the entire text and thus all biblical narratives of the 66 books of the Bible, what McGee himself called "Bible bus trip" German "bus trip through the Bible" ). Since McGee's death in 1988, the program has been carried on by the Thru the Bible Radio Network, which he founded and based in Pasadena, California , which is financed solely by voluntary donations from the audience.

The series is currently broadcast daily from over 800 radio stations in the United States and Canada alone .

Special features of the series

  • The individual Bible books are not dealt with in the order of the biblical canon in the radio program . In general, an Old Testament book is followed by a New Testament book, and vice versa.
  • Each Bible book is introduced in detail - similar to a Bible lexicon - before the respective verse-to-verse discussion follows. The restriction to reading and interpreting an average of 4–10 Bible verses per broadcast allows a profound explanation and commentary on the subject matter dealt with with many cross-references to parallel Bible passages in other chapters of the same or another Bible book.
  • When all the books of the Bible have been dealt with, the series starts again from the beginning. In this way, interested listeners can start studying the Bible at any time.
  • J. Vernon McGee quoted the annotated Bible verses for his Thru the Bible program from the King James Version (KJV). The German translation of the series uses the Luther Bible in the 1984 edition .

Distribution in the German-speaking area

In the German-speaking area, Evangeliums-Rundfunk (today ERF Medien ) broadcast the series developed by J. Vernon McGee three times under the name Durch die Bibel ( Through the Bible ) from 1996 to 2011 . It led through the entire Bible once every five years. The German translator, commentator and speaker was Pastor Hugo Danker. Danker, who headed the World Mission Department of the ERF from 1987 to 1998, continued to design the series in retirement.

The Bible could be heard on ERF Radio (today ERF Plus ) from Monday to Friday at 10 p.m. and as a repetition the next morning at 10 a.m. Like the rest of the ERF program, the program was also available via live stream on the Internet and by telephone. Since the end of April 2010, due to the great demand, the respective program could be listened to from Monday to Friday regardless of the broadcast time via an ERF service telephone number. Every Tuesday from 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. from May to December 2011 there was the opportunity to talk to Pastor Hugo Danker in a conference call about the programs.

From 1996 to 2006, according to the ERF, around 100,000 listeners registered with the station due to the series of programs. About 250 responses were received every month. About 140 home groups and Bible studies would regularly work with the Bible study material.

The successor program at ERF plus was the program “New Life. The Audio Bible ” , which has been broadcast since January 2012 at the same times. The Bible reading was not commented on or explained.

In February 2012, the ERF announced that it wanted to produce new episodes of the series due to numerous listeners' requests and put them back into the program under the title “Das Wort” “by spring 2013 at the latest”. From April 1, 2013, new episodes in the series will again be on the ERF Plus program under the original title “Through the Bible” and during the old airtime. The moderator is the theologian and radio editor Kai-Uwe Woytschak. A podcast was also set up, and the manuscripts are also available on the Internet; The current program can be heard over the phone from Monday to Friday on 064412081611. Since 2016 there have been new broadcast times on ERF Plus, Monday to Friday at 11 a.m., as well as a repeat at 9 p.m., and in the night program at 1 a.m. and 5 a.m.

This program can also be heard daily on Radio HCJB Deutsch (SW-Radio Segenswelle) at 7:30 a.m., at 11 a.m. and at 10:30 p.m.

Since 2003 the Bible Broadcasting Network has been broadcasting the program Through the Bible with interruptions in its program BBN-Deutsch . It can be heard from Monday to Friday at 2 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the radio, Internet livestream and telephone.


The entire 5-year program can be downloaded in English as MP3 files free of charge from the Thru the Bible homepage . In addition, additional materials (Notes & Outlines) are offered as PDF for every Bible book . Reference to audio CDs and in printed form is also possible.

For the Bible program online Bible since 2006 ERF-Series Through the Bible a comment module with the full text of the program in German language for all Bible books available free of charge. All manuscripts for the series are also available on CD-ROM and a selection of the programs translated and spoken by Hugo Danker are available on MP3 CDs.

Selected books from the ERF series Through the Bible were also available as a free online workshop until 2011 on the ERF website , including the Book of Proverbs , the 1st Letter of Peter and the Revelation of John .


  • As a Bible teacher, I used to tell students time and again that there are two ways you can study the Bible. One is done with the telescope and the other with the microscope. First we need to look at them with binoculars, and then we study them with the microscope. (J. Vernon McGee in the introduction to Genesis of Through the Bible )

See also

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Thru the Bible: TTB Global Reach
  2. Thru the Bible: Dr. J. Vernon McGee .
  3. Thru the Bible: The Bible Bus Trip .
  4. “The Word” as a new edition of “Through the Bible” . In: Press release. February 1, 2012. Retrieved February 6, 2012.
  5. In January 2013 Jürgen Werth first announced that the new episodes would be broadcast in ERF from the beginning of 2014: Guest: Hugo Danker, Pastor i. R. In: Worth (h) e guests. January 23, 2013. Retrieved February 8, 2013 (from 5:40 am).
  6. ERF Medien will start again on April 1st with the series “Through the Bible”. Through the Book of Books five times a week . ERF press release. February 13, 2013. Retrieved March 14, 2013.
  7. ^ Radio HCJB: broadcasting scheme ( memento from July 26, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) . Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  8. ^ Bible Broadcasting Network: Programs . Sending scheme. Retrieved July 24, 2016.