Eadmund of Durham

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Eadmund of Durham (also Edmund ; † 1041 ) was Bishop of Durham from 1021 to 1041 .


Eadmund came from a noble family. After Bishop Aldhun died in 1018, the office remained vacant for three years. The priest Eadmund was elected bishop in 1021 by a vote from the grave of Saint Cuthbert and King Canute the Great made the election. After Eadmund became a monk , he was ordained bishop by Archbishop Wulfstan II of York in Winchester . On the way back to Durham, the experienced monk Æthelric of Peterborough Abbey joined him as an advisor.

King Canute the Great was still in contact with Eadmund later and gifted his monastery with extensive land.

The Scottish King Duncan I besieged Durham in 1040, but was defeated and lost almost his entire army.

Eadmund died in 1041 while visiting King Hardeknut at the royal court in Gloucester. His body was taken to Durham and honored to be buried.

Sometimes 1042 or 1048 is also mentioned as the year of death.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d History of the Church of Durham XLI - XLIV
  2. ^ Symeon of Durham , Historia regum Anglorum et Dacorum
  3. Florentius of Worcester , Chronicle
predecessor Office successor
Aldhun Bishop of Durham