Echinorhynchus gadi

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Echinorhynchus gadi
without rank: Scratchworms (Acanthocephala)
Class : Palaeacanthocephala
Order : Echinorhynchida
Family : Echinorhynchidae
Genre : Echinorhynchus
Type : Echinorhynchus gadi
Scientific name
Echinorhynchus gadi
Zoega in Müller , 1776

Echinorhynchus gadi is a species of scratch worms (Acanthocephala) thatlivesas an intestinal parasite , especially in marine fish such as the various haddock species , and causes echinorhynchosis in them . However, this species is very rare in freshwater fish.


Female animals reach a body length of 45 to 80 millimeters, the males remain significantly smaller with a maximum of around 20 millimeters. The proboscis (proboscis) is cylindrical to club-shaped and has 18 to 22 rows of hooks of 10 to 13 hooks each, whereby these become smaller towards the rear and are clearly curved towards the rear except for those in the rearmost row. The males have six cement glands arranged one behind the other at the rear end of the animals.

The eggs are long spindle-shaped with generic bulges on the egg poles and have only thin enveloping membranes. They have an average length of 76 to 100 and an average width of 13 to 22 micrometers.

Way of life

Echinorhynchus gadi lives as an intestinal parasite as an adult , especially in the intestines of marine fish such as the various haddock species . It can also occur in freshwater fish, but is rarely found there.


  • Theodor Hiepe, Renate Buchwalder, Siegfried Nickel: Textbook of Parasitology. Volume 3: Veterinary Helminthology. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1985; Pages 396