Echternach Beautification Association

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The Echternach Beautification Association ( Société d'embellissement d'Echternach ) was the first beautification association in Luxembourg . According to tradition, the association may have been established in Echternach as early as 1876, but no later than 1877 . And so it celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1927, its 100th anniversary in 1977 and its 135th anniversary in 2012. In truth, the association was only founded in 1880. In July of that year, the course for this was set in a first meeting; on August 13, 1880, the first general assembly took place and the first statutes were adopted. On October 10, 1880, General Director (Minister) Paul Eyschen, on behalf of the government, was informed by letter of the existence of the association.

The purpose of the association was to Echternach and its surroundings more widely known, making the surrounding natural beauty accessible, and to carry out in the town of Echternach self improvement and beautification works, thus the tourism to promote.

Among the work that the association carried out in the early days, the following stand out: the development of the Echternach Wolfsschlucht in 1881 and the reconstruction of the Liborius Chapel on the Ernzerberg in 1901 in cooperation with the local group Bollendorf of the Eifelverein , a beautiful example of cross-border Cooperation, as the chapel is on the other side of the border river Sauer on German territory near Echternacherbrück . In 1905 the association published its first tourist guide for Echternach and the surrounding area.

During the Second World War , the Echternach Beautification Association had to cease its activities after Luxembourg was occupied by Nazi Germany. He resumed her in December 1945.

The Echternach Beautification Association has more and more the tasks of the passage of time Transport Association adopted, and makes its appearance in this context as a "tourist office" or "Syndicat d'Initiative et de tourisme".


  • Massard, JA : The true story of the Echternach Beautification Association. In 1880, the first tourist office in Luxembourg was founded in Echternach. Lëtzebuerger Journal 2012, No. 249 (December 10), p. 14. PDF
  • Massard, JA: The history of the Echternach Beautification Association. Luxembourg's first tourist association was founded in Echternach in 1880. Echternach 2012, 71 pp. (Online Publication). PDF

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