Eckardt Lufft

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Eckardt Hans Lufft (born August 9, 1876 in Cannstatt ; † after 1932) was a German mechanical engineer and manager.


Eckardt Lufft attended secondary school in Stuttgart . After graduating from high school, he studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart and became a member of the Corps Bavaria Stuttgart. After completing his studies, he went to the Eßlingen machine factory . From 1901 to 1903 he built mills and silos for the Société anonyme de Minoteries et Elevateurs á Grain in Buenos Aires . As part of this construction project, in 1903 he undertook fundamental pressure tests on silo cells by means of the pressure of the enclosed grain against the silo walls. From 1904 to 1914 he was chief engineer and deputy director of the Braunschweigische Mühlenbauanstalt Amme, Giesecke & Konegen (AGK). At the beginning of the First World War he was drafted into the army as a captain. He was later appointed commander of the Romanian oil fields. He was responsible for rebuilding the completely destroyed oil industry in Romania. In 1918 he led the reconstruction work in the coal area of ​​the Donets. In the same year he became director of the Romanian oil companies Concordia , Vega and Creditpetrolifer . In 1919 he was appointed director of Deutsche Erdöl-AG . In 1920 he became director of the International Petroleum Union and several Mexican oil companies. In 1924 he switched to the Luther works in Braunschweig as director . After G. Luther AG merged with MIAG , he became director and board member of the new company in 1926.

Lufft was a member of the supervisory board of Habermann & Guckes-Liebold AG in Berlin, the International Machine and Deep Drilling Equipment Factory (IMTAG), the Ehrhard machine factory in Wolfenbüttel, the Amme, Santi, Palma SA in Monza and the Seck Machinery Co. in London. He was chairman of the Braunschweig District Association of German Engineers and of the Northwest Iron and Steel Trade Association, Braunschweig section. In addition to his work on pressure conditions in silo cells , he published numerous articles on silo construction and grain handling in seaports.


  • Gold medal for scientific achievements from the Technical University of Stuttgart
  • Iron Cross II. And I. Class and other war medals


  • Pressure conditions in silo cells , 2nd edition 1920


  • Lufft, Eckardt, Hans. In: Robert Volz: Reich manual of the German society . The handbook of personalities in words and pictures. Volume 2: L-Z. Deutscher Wirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 1931, DNB 453960294 , p. 1165.
  • Lufft, Eckardt Hans. In: Georg Wenzel: German business leader . Life courses of German business personalities. A reference book on 13,000 business figures of our time. Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg / Berlin / Leipzig 1929, DNB 948663294 , Sp. 1400–1401.

Individual evidence

  1. Lufft's signature on the MIAG share from 1932
  2. ^ Address list of the Weinheimer SC. 1928, p. 313.