Ectrichodia crux

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Ectrichodia crux
Ectrichodia crux

Ectrichodia crux

Subordination : Bed bugs (heteroptera)
Family : Predatory bugs (Reduviidae)
Subfamily : Ectrichodiinae
Genre : Ectrichodia
Type : Ectrichodia crux
Scientific name
Ectrichodia crux
( Thunberg , 1783)
Ectrichodia crux prey on a double-pod

Ectrichodia crux is a species of bug from the family of predatory bugs (Reduviidae). In English, the bugs are also referred to as Millipede Assassin Bugs ("double-footed murder bugs ").


The bugs grow to be about 22 millimeters long. They have a dull yellow pronotum with a distinctive black cross pattern. The head is black. The legs are black with the exception of the anterior tibia , which can have a black and yellow pattern. The top of the abdomen is black. Only the basal attachment of the hemielytras and the connexive (part of the abdomen that is visible on the side) are yellow. The nymphs of Ectrichodia crux are colored red and have a black pattern on the dorsal side of the abdomen.

Distribution and habitats

The species occurs in the Afrotropic ecozone . The distribution area is in southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique), where it is widespread. The typical habitat of Ectrichodia crux are tree and bush savannahs .

Way of life

The mostly nocturnal and crepuscular bedbugs - adults and nymphs - feed predatory on bipedal bipeds (for example from the family Spirostreptidae ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ectrichodia crux . Beetles of Africa. Retrieved February 10, 2017.
  2. a b c d Millipede Assassin Bug (Ectrichodia crux) . Retrieved February 10, 2017.
  3. a b Michael Forthman, Christiane Weirauch: Toxic associations: A review of the predatory behaviors of millipede assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae) (PDF 1.2 MB) Eur. J. Entomol. 109: 147-153, 2012. Retrieved February 10, 2017.
  4. a b Ectrichodia crux . Retrieved February 10, 2017.

Web links

Commons : Ectrichodia crux  - collection of images, videos and audio files