Edgar Flatau

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Edgar Friedrich Flatau (born April 13, 1892 , † 1977 in Brighton ) was a German-British actor , film producer , dubbing writer and dialogue director .


Flatau's artistic focus was initially on the stage. In 1919 he belonged to the ensemble of the Munich Prinzregententheater . A year later he also worked in several silent film productions such as Siegfried Dessauer's criminal investigation department, Murder Department and Heinz Schalls Die im Schatten go with.

For a long time he found an artistic home in the Theater am Königsplatz in Stettin, where, alongside Maria Wimmer , Dore Millbrett and Annemarie Kaiser, he appeared primarily as a bon vivant . Flatau got engaged to the acting colleague Julia Lehrmann. After the seizure of power by the National Socialists got Flatau that demanded by the authorities " Aryan certificate could not provide" to feel resentment and emigrated to England in 1936. There he quickly learned the English language, so that he was soon able to work as an actor again on the London stage. From May 8, 1940 Flatau, who in the meantime also worked as a film producer, was a British citizen.

After the Second World War , Flatau returned to Germany. Due to his good language skills, he no longer worked on stage, but as a dialogue author and dubbing director, v. a. for the Rank Film synchronous production in Hamburg and the Aventin film studio in Munich. He directed the German versions of well-known cinema productions such as 55 Days in Beijing , Emeric Pressburgers and Michael Powell's Eyes of Fear , The Fall of the Roman Empire , Fantomas , Ipcress - top secret , Ladykillers and Moulin Rouge . Occasionally Flatau also took on synchronous roles himself, including for Richard Leech in The Long Arm and Ernest Thesiger in Sons and Lovers .

According to a statement published by his fellow actor Annemarie Kaiser in 1970 in the Stettiner Nachrichten , Flatau retired around 1970 and went back to England. There he settled on the south coast, in Brighton.

Filmography (selection)


  • 1920: love of fools
  • 1920: Criminal Police, Murder Department
  • 1920: The gypsy love comes from ...
  • 1921: Those who walk in the shadows

Dialogue script and direction

Dialogue director

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to the film archive Kay Less
  2. Jürgen Schläder / Robert Braunmüller: Tradition with a future: 100 years of the Prinzregententheater Munich , Ricordi 1996, p. 294. 302.
  3. Dore Millbrett: That was a delicious time , in: Stettiner Nachrichten, No. 7, 1970, p. 5.
  4. ^ Who's who in the theater , Pitman 1936, p. 161.
  5. Page no longer available , search in web archives: London Gazette of June 14, 1940 (PDF; 126 kB)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.thegazette.co.uk