Edgar Roessger

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Edgar Rößger (born October 19, 1905 in Freudenstadt in the Black Forest; † October 21, 1976 in Stuttgart ) was the founder of anthropotechnics and the field of flight guidance and air traffic at the TU Berlin.


Rößger began studying mechanical engineering at the TH Stuttgart in 1924. At the same time he joined the Stuttgart fraternity Ghibellinia . Rößger was able to complete his studies with a diploma as early as 1928. After employment at Leichtflugzeugbau Klemm GmbH and at the Research Institute for Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines in Stuttgart , he worked from 1935 to 1945 as an aeronautical assistant at the management of Deutsche Lufthansa AG and in military service at the command of the blind flight schools and the air transport command. He played a decisive role in the development and refinement of the ZZ procedure , became the holder of the Peilflugleiter No. 2 license and one of the founders of the Peilflugleiter career.

From the end of the war until 1952 he ran an engineering office. From 1951 he worked on research projects in the field of air traffic control and navigation. He was appointed to the new air traffic control committee and received teaching assignments at the TH Stuttgart on navigation, flight measurement technology and flight operations.

In 1954 he took over the management of the aviation department at the Institute for Transport Science at the University of Cologne. In the summer of 1955 he completed his habilitation at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences there and became a private lecturer.

From 1955 to 1971 he was department head at the Institute for Aerospace (flight control and air traffic) at the TU Berlin.


  • Air traffic control in the United States of America; 1931
  • Development and status of air navigation; 1954
  • Basics of spacecraft guidance
  • The supersonic air traffic
  • Optimal flight paths
  • Grid navigation
  • Wolfgang Behre : On- board systems and transmission media for flight hydraulics ; 1961
  • Navigation and positioning in space: 1962
  • Celestial mechanics basics of spacecraft guidance; 1963
  • with Günther Sögtrop: Transport system for developing countries with special consideration of air traffic ; 1964
  • with Hartmut Schwermer, Helmut Wolff: Estimation of the integration error in the numerical integration of complicated differential equations ; 1966
  • Investigation of the influences of the operating conditions on the performance of servo valves and control systems ; 1968
  • Determination of runway lengths in airport planning; 1968
  • Investigation of the influences of the operating conditions on the performance of servo valves and control systems; 1968
  • Solution of transport tasks with the help of containers; 1971


  • Widlok, H., D. Finsterbusch H. Zehle: Festschrift for the 60th birthday of Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Dedicated to Edgar Rößger by his staff with sincere gratitude


  1. ^ Well-known Ghibellines - Stuttgarter Burschenschaft Ghibellinia . In: Stuttgarter Burschenschaft Ghibellinia . ( ghibellinen.de [accessed November 1, 2017]).
  2. International Transportation - Volumes 16-17 (1964) - page 223
  3. ^ German Aerospace Society: Yearbook, Volume 4 (1976)
  4. https://www.ff.tu-berlin.de/menue/ueber_uns/alumni/